Ildon - Dungeon music

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polyslax wrote:Nice theme Ildon, captures the mood very well!

I'm not sure about the drums tho, specially the snare. I might just go with a tom or timpani beat myself. Something about the marimba part I found almost too busy against the solemn strings - maybe even bringing it down an octave or 2 would change the feel. Last, I thought you missed an opportunity to harmonize the main theme with the recorder rather than follow it in unison. You could keep one in unison and add another in harmony... just a suggestion. Anyhow, of course these are all just imo, the track stands quite nicely as it is.
Thanks for the listen and the comments. :party:

I have to disagree with your suggestions, though. I don't think they're bad ideas, they would just take away from the effect I'm trying to achieve. I like the drums, but I get the, "I don't like those drums" as much as I get, "I like those drums," so yeah, I think that really comes down to taste. The marimba and xylophone duo are meant to enhance the mood by being a little more chaotic and their timbres should tell you more about the setting. Near the end the song gets a little hectic (not as much as I was originally going to make it) and then the song just kind of drops you in an unsatisfying way. These're all techniques I picked up from Naoshi Mizuta.

Edit: Oh yeah, the recorder doubling the violas... I did that because I thought anything more would spoil the melody or its flow. It didn't seem appropriate and I didn't really want to risk screwing that up.

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