Tokyo Dawn Labs - Feedback Compressor II - beta 7 (mac only)

Official support for:


They say "7" is a magic number. Let's see if it helps. :)

Latest changes beta 7:

- Added support* down to os-x 10.5. Tiger or earlier versions are not supported!
- Added 64bit support for VST and AU

Download here:

*Theoretical support. Please confirm compatibility with your system! :)
Last edited by FabienTDR on Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
Fabien from Tokyo Dawn Records

Check out my audio processors over at the Tokyo Dawn Labs!


Working in Cubase 6.5 and Bidule in 10.6.8

very nice compressor :)


Both in 32bit and 63bit hosts?
Fabien from Tokyo Dawn Records

Check out my audio processors over at the Tokyo Dawn Labs!


Congrats! Beta 7 now appearing as expected in Live 8 (AU and VST) and DP 7.24, which is notoriously finicky. No 63 bit ;-) hosts on my travel machine - will report back later.

Many thanks for porting this superlative tool to Mac!

If it were easy, anybody could do it!


Spitfire31 wrote:Many thanks for porting this superlative tool to Mac!
Well it wasn't exactly a "pleasure". But I'm happy you guys finally have access to the plugin. :)
Fabien from Tokyo Dawn Records

Check out my audio processors over at the Tokyo Dawn Labs!


FabienTDR wrote:
Spitfire31 wrote:Many thanks for porting this superlative tool to Mac!
Well it wasn't exactly a "pleasure".
But surely a 'learning experience', no? ;-)

If it were easy, anybody could do it!


sounds really great, just put it against my other go to compressors and it held up great, even beat some of my favs, thanks !


After several false starts - YAY! There is still problem with AU though on Studio One 2.5 - plugin loads, but no GUI appears. The problem is there in both versions - 32bit and 64bit. Now, I have seen similar bugs in the past in Studio One (at some point all 64bit VST JUCE plugins failed to show GUI), so I recommend to contact Studio One developers. VST version works fine as do both AU and VST versions in Reaper.

Many thanks!




:roll: Still no luck here with your Plug-Ins! :o :o
Tested on Amadeus PRO - MAC OSX 10.5.8 Leopard.

I guess i'll skip TDR-Plug-ins...
Thanks anyway


Honestly, Delfinoverde, demanding support for ancient Leopard, with :o icons at that, is a bit naîve, isn't it?

Not many new audio programs or plug-ins support 10.5 these days. I'd say it's high time for you to upgrade to at least 10.6.8, which is a very stable and mature System, still supported by a majority of Mac audio devs.

For the record, TDR Feedback Compressor II, Mac beta 7, works just fine in Amadeus Pro, both as AU in 32 and 64 bit mode and also VST 32 bit - on 10.6.8, that is. ;-)

If it were easy, anybody could do it!


Spitfire31 wrote:But surely a 'learning experience', no?
Definitely! Expect much less trouble with the next ports! I think I already made any mistake one could do! :)

Mario C. wrote:sounds really great, just put it against my other go to compressors and it held up great, even beat some of my favs, thanks !
Happy to hear that!

trapmoo wrote:After several false starts - YAY! There is still problem with AU though on Studio One 2.5 - plugin loads, but no GUI appears. The problem is there in both versions - 32bit and 64bit. Now, I have seen similar bugs in the past in Studio One (at some point all 64bit VST JUCE plugins failed to show GUI), so I recommend to contact Studio One developers. VST version works fine as do both AU and VST versions in Reaper.
Oh, this is interesting. I remember seeing a post in the JUCE forum saying that plug-ins work again in the Studio One 64bit since the last (SO) update. I will have a closer look at the problem!

Delfinoverde wrote:Rolling Eyes Still no luck here with your Plug-Ins! Surprised Surprised
Tested on Amadeus PRO - MAC OSX 10.5.8 Leopard.
I didn't expect these problems to pop up again. The plugin is now targeting the os-x 10.5 sdk, so I thought it would generally run on os-x 10.5. It seems I was wrong. Will give it another try early next week. Check beta 8 as soon it becomes available.

Delfinoverde wrote:I guess i'll skip TDR-Plug-ins...
Come on, sorting out all these troubles is what beta versions are for! I just began with os-x development 3 weeks ago, the TDR FB Comp mac version is 7 days old! And in that time, we managed to build both 32bit and 64bit editions compatible back to 10.6. I know about several commercial plug-in companies who can't do this after 10 years! This is *very* complicated work and it's not reasonable for me to buy all macs back to 2004 just to test "free" plug-ins. This is why I need your help. So give me a few weeks at least! :)
Last edited by FabienTDR on Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Fabien from Tokyo Dawn Records

Check out my audio processors over at the Tokyo Dawn Labs!


@ Spitfire31

From your point of view - Leopard MAC System might be ancient, but it isn't!
Many developers still provide valid plug-ins for it. Not everybody can afford it to upgrade their Mac every half a year! Plus with upgrading you'll probably loose many previous solid working software. :hihi:


@Definoverde, just to make sure, you run an intel mac, right?

Can you open the console and type:

auval -a

th above is for 32bit plugs, use the following to scan 64bit AUs:

auval -64 -a

What does the "aufx Td88 Tdrl" entry say?
Last edited by FabienTDR on Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Fabien from Tokyo Dawn Records

Check out my audio processors over at the Tokyo Dawn Labs!


Hi Fabien,

here's the AU validation report (LOGIC 9):

VALIDATING AUDIO UNIT: 'aufx' - 'Td88' - 'Tdrl'
Manufacturer String: Tokyo Dawn Labs
AudioUnit name: TDR Feedback Compressor II
Component Info: TDR Feedback Compressor II
Component Version: 2.0.0 (0x20000)
Component's Bundle Version: 1.0.0

* * PASS
2013-02-10 18:11:30.868 auvaltool[4985:80f] Error loading /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/TDRFeedbackCompressorII.component/Contents/MacOS/TDRFeedbackCompressorII: dlopen(/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/TDRFeedbackCompressorII.component/Contents/MacOS/TDRFeedbackCompressorII, 262): Symbol not found: __ZSt16__ostream_insertIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_PKS3_i
Referenced from: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/TDRFeedbackCompressorII.component/Contents/MacOS/TDRFeedbackCompressorII
Expected in: /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
FATAL ERROR: OpenAComponent: result: -50,0xFFFFFFCE

validation result: couldn't be opened

updating properties of AU TDR Feedback Compressor II by Tokyo Dawn Labs...FAILED!


Thanks Fabien! :wink:


Ah thanks, here's the devil:
Delfinoverde wrote:Expected in: /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
After a little googling, it looks like a common issue. So, I can't promise anything, but should be able to fix it next week!
Fabien from Tokyo Dawn Records

Check out my audio processors over at the Tokyo Dawn Labs!


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