Calling all color editors....

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We are testing a new build of T5 with the latest generation UI color editor - if you would like to take a crack at creating a template and you are not already on our beta team, please contact me at

Creating a template is no small task so please only contact me if you are ready/willing to put in some time to create your favorite color scheme

The reward for your efforts will be a part of Tracktion history - your very own color preset :)
Tracktion Software Corporation


So , you guys are bringing back the color editor , sort of ? Thats great !


Yes - as promised and back by popular demand - UI color schemes are coming....

Although it makes Jules swear and throw things at his monitor every time he thinks about it!
Tracktion Software Corporation


TSC wrote:Yes - as promised and back by popular demand - UI color schemes are coming....

Although it makes Jules swear and throw things at his monitor every time he thinks about it!
Being a software engineer myself, I can sympathize with frustrating user "requests" (demands).

Being a Tracktion user, I can't wait for it! :hyper:
YouTube: ... Dx4ziLn3ng
Now a Relay Radio DJ! http:/


My color request is only to have the ability to color the tracks themselves (not the whole GUI) with colors that match the ones in the color palette in the panel at the bottom of the screen, not the drab pastels I end up with that don't match the ones I select.

I'm OK with everything else so far and I don't need to color the whole GUI, just the tracks. Will this be included in the beta color editor?


It is time to come together in the middle of the road.


have emailed, would like to give this a go :)


TSC wrote:Yes - as promised and back by popular demand - UI color schemes are coming....

Although it makes Jules swear and throw things at his monitor every time he thinks about it!
:clap: :clap: :clap:

In this case I have to say that I have absolutely no sympathy for Jules... ;-)

Better he demolishes a screen or two than all Tracktion users loosing their eyesight...

Yes, it's that bad... :borg:



"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there." - Rumi
ScreenDream Instagram Mastodon


theoldguy wrote:My color request is only to have the ability to color the tracks themselves (not the whole GUI) with colors that match the ones in the color palette in the panel at the bottom of the screen, not the drab pastels I end up with that don't match the ones I select. - theoldguy
Well, I'm actually quite happy with the scheme/stijle I was able to create (based on the Captivating Sound style I created for T4). Not sure whether I'm allowed to post a screenshot here (beta NDA you know), but the tracks are nice and bright.

Thanks Jules for the effort, it's much appreciated!


Just do another "Bogic" for me please.


Man I can't wait for some color ....haha 5.3.3 beta is pretty awesome by the way !


theoldguy wrote:My color request is only to have the ability to color the tracks themselves (not the whole GUI) with colors that match the ones in the color palette in the panel at the bottom of the screen, not the drab pastels I end up with that don't match the ones I select.

I'm OK with everything else so far and I don't need to color the whole GUI, just the tracks. Will this be included in the beta color editor?


this is currently possible - the clips are a single colour that is tinted by the colour you select in the options. it seems the saturation of the original colour determines the saturation of the tinted colour, so you can just ramp up the 'vibrancy' of the clip colour in the editor and it will be reflected in the recoloured version.
i hope that makes sense.

Ive got a 90% complete 'lower contrast' dark theme done which does have a little more vibrancy in the clip colours but not too much or it looks garish. (you dont want a 100% match, trust me!)


gamecat666 wrote:
theoldguy wrote:My color request is only to have the ability to color the tracks themselves (not the whole GUI) with colors that match the ones in the color palette in the panel at the bottom of the screen, not the drab pastels I end up with that don't match the ones I select.

I'm OK with everything else so far and I don't need to color the whole GUI, just the tracks. Will this be included in the beta color editor?


this is currently possible - the clips are a single colour that is tinted by the colour you select in the options. it seems the saturation of the original colour determines the saturation of the tinted colour, so you can just ramp up the 'vibrancy' of the clip colour in the editor and it will be reflected in the recoloured version.
i hope that makes sense.

Ive got a 90% complete 'lower contrast' dark theme done which does have a little more vibrancy in the clip colours but not too much or it looks garish. (you dont want a 100% match, trust me!)
Sorry, which Options, and Editor? I can't seem to get this at all..


oh sorry its a beta feature. I dont know if the colour editor is going to be enabled in future versions or if you are just going to be able to select from predefined themes. apologies for the confusion


gamecat666 wrote:oh sorry its a beta feature. I dont know if the colour editor is going to be enabled in future versions or if you are just going to be able to select from predefined themes. apologies for the confusion
No worries, it's usually me that doesn't get it.

But I might one of the few users that like strong clear colours on a DAW..


gamecat666 wrote:oh sorry its a beta feature. I dont know if the colour editor is going to be enabled in future versions or if you are just going to be able to select from predefined themes. apologies for the confusion
Not really getting this whole "NDA" thing, are you?
"my gosh it's a friggin hardware"

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