Multiple Loops inside one sequence

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mutools wrote:Note that you can switch sequences on the fly while you're editing in the Sequence Editor.

Just click the sequence field in the Part Property Panel.
Or use the context menu -> Choose Sequence (shortcuttable if you want).

You can select existing sequences or create new ones.

It's similar to the Orion thing, but different at the same time.
You mean that you can (loop)composing in realtime by choosing the ordering of sequenzes in any track ?
its on/off sequenzes..


In Orion, in Pattern Mode, you can experiment with patterns on the fly similarly to LIVE Clips, but in song mode is little different because you deal with linear time line and song loop instead, but still, there it's easier than MU.LAB to switch patterns on the fly.
MU.LAB has a nice pool of sequencers but they are going to be like Orion Song mode basically, unless you get the Composer loop adjusted to play in the same position while you change those patterns.<EDIT> Or have Part loops and the part as long as you need. Or other ways unknown to me still...<>
I love that one in Orion. I prefer it to FL!
MuLab-Reaper of course :D


liquidsound wrote:In Orion, in Pattern Mode, you can experiment with patterns on the fly similarly to LIVE Clips, but in song mode is little different because you deal with linear time line and song loop instead, but still, there it's easier than MU.LAB to switch patterns on the fly.
MU.LAB has a nice pool of sequencers but they are going to be like Orion Song mode basically, unless you get the Composer loop adjusted to play in the same position while you change those patterns.<EDIT> Or have Part loops and the part as long as you need. Or other ways unknown to me still...<>
I love that one in Orion. I prefer it to FL!
The feature in Orion that you can chance a patternbank A..H (each has 8 patterns)and do this on the fly in the composerscreen by chancing a partnumber is handy, but MUlab offers more freedom
To have this like in Orion also in makes Mulab more versatile for composing, but for Jo and his team to program this .. ?


janamdo wrote:The feature in Orion that you can chance a patternbank A..H (each has 8 patterns)and do this on the fly in the composerscreen by chancing a partnumber is handy, but MUlab offers more freedom
To have this like in Orion also in makes Mulab more versatile for composing, but for Jo and his team to program this .. ?
No a doubt! MU.LAB over Orion system. In MU.LAB Seuencers are universally available while in Orion are locked to a Device to begin with.

MU.LAB loops are the best in the business and are not restricted by beats.
Orion quick mid-wheel pattern change is right because you have only those patterns that are composed for that VST, so you can't get surprises (even though could be nice too).

In Orion the Patterns on a track are by one VST only, as usual, while here we get those amazing parts targets etc.
We can go for ever. But yes, the quick thing it's cool too, including ghosted notes (not implemented to the best of use yet).
MuLab-Reaper of course :D


Hey liquidsound and janamdo, you have lost me a bit as I am just learning MULAB; yet when I read the positives of the MU.LAB loop system as liquidsound keeps mentioning :) I push forward in learning MU.LAB

Might be some time till I get what's going on with MU.LAB, in the meanitime thanks for tackling the question and even being open to discussing another DAW without any newbie bashing :)

Regards, James


I think is very healthy to compare things and it helps to see the the bright side(s) of MU.LAB (many).
I consider myself fortunate to have been a DAW junkie to really appreciate MU.LAB, and v3 is only the beginning!

Regards to you James :)
MuLab-Reaper of course :D


liquidsound wrote:I think is very healthy to compare things and it helps to see the the bright side(s) of MU.LAB (many).
I consider myself fortunate to have been a DAW junkie to really appreciate MU.LAB, and v3 is only the beginning!

Regards to you James :)
Yes i think so too MUlab with other programs than you can see the power.
It is only the composing side where i am after now.. how do the DAWS dealing with sequenzes? How easy is it to compose? :)


mutools wrote:Note that you can switch sequences on the fly while you're editing in the Sequence Editor.

Just click the sequence field in the Part Property Panel.
Or use the context menu -> Choose Sequence (shortcuttable if you want).

You can select existing sequences or create new ones.

It's similar to the Orion thing, but different at the same time.
Just tried this and it seems flexible and very useful for creating and then accessing a stash of patterns :clap:

I think it covers well my #1 in the "net gain wanted" post (see below) :)

sunhome wrote:Net gain wanted - I am not tied to any one particular method

1. A place to create patterns that don't have to be on the main seuqncer timeline. [not even what I was writing about, just occurred to me now]
2. A way to fish through sequences for smaller pieces that could be marked quickly in an intuitive manner and called out in the sequencer or in the modular area. [this is what I had in mind when I started the post]

Regards, James
As for the the #2 - fishing could that be linked to the a holding tank like the unused sequences is? Perhaps multiple loops could be assigned inside a sequence and one could access them the same way an unused sequence is accessed?

Regards, James
Last edited by sunhome on Mon May 24, 2010 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Regarding the fishing:

When you draw a new sequence part in the composer then you get a popup from which you can select any existing sequence.

Isn't that what you want? Maybe i miss something.


mutools wrote:Regarding the fishing:

When you draw a new sequence part in the composer then you get a popup from which you can select any existing sequence.

Isn't that what you want? Maybe i miss something.
I am referring to sequences within sequences :) [patterns within patterns]

I'll give you two scenerios:

1. I just recorded a sequence or penciled in a sequence and realize that it has smaller parts that I would want to access

2. I just recorded a sequence and then want to chop it into 10 equal parts based on some time/measure in an intuitive way

In both cases it would be handy to have a mechanism to fish for a netfull of fish within a school [representing a sequence] :) and place them in some sort of holder like the "unused sequence" holder.

Overall this method would useful for gathering a boatload of fishes for later use in the composer; ideally these fish stockpiles could be worked on without effect the timeline in the composer; ideally in "composer" the user would then have access to choose the sequences that they neeeded. I guess I am asking for some sort of separation between gathering the fish and presenting them.

Regards, James

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