Live "deactivate" clears Monomate settings?

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Hey all-

Has anyone else had this issue? If you're using Live, and you de-activate Monomate, when you re-activate it all the settings appear the same, but the sound is just like the init patch. I'm using Push too, and the knobs all display the correct values from before deactivation, but they sound like the init patch, and each one individually must be twisted to re-activate the correct values.

Anyone experience this issue? Any ideas for how to get around it? I hope so because I love Tweakbench plugs and use them successfully in Reaper all the time.

FYI I'm on Windows 7, using Live 9 with Push.



the tweakbench plugins are pretty old synthedit stuff, so it might just be an incompatibility between it and Live. first thing i'd suggest is running it inside a subhost (eg the demo of Chainer, or perhaps VSTOversampler or even jbridge) so that its not talking 'directly' to Live. That might help.
my other modular synth is a bugbrand


Thanks for the suggestion! It SEEMS to preserve settings when I use Monomate (and other Tweakbench plugs) in an Ableton Instrument Rack - so instead of inserting them directly on the channel, I'll drop them in a rack instead. Hopefully that won't adversely affect performance.


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