Writting melodies in FL Studio

Chords, scales, harmony, melody, etc.


jancivil wrote:'writing melodies' is in the topic title.

trakstar, you're grabbing other people's midis and 'selecting and deleting', in place of 'inspiration'.

I cannot see what kind of melodic FLOW comes out of that actitivity. Melody is something you hear and bring out through your voice or another instrument. The path to that is playing or singing melodies. It really is. You may not be into that, it might be too hard, but you're not writing melodies, you're playing a kind of game, as if to get around the work of learning how to come up with something by your own hand. You've chosen crutches instead of taking baby's first steps.
I get what your saying, and I do write melodies, I was just offering something a little different that he might like to try. But, I have dropped on some good melodies or start offs by listening and experimenting with stuff like this, it was the whole point of having the midi info in the rex file, Indeed my orion software has a convert to midi feature so when the drums are playing I can send the midi straight along to a synth and have that play too. But, yes, the forums about melody writing so I stand corrected. It was the" I have no imagination and just want to start programming" part so I thought this way would give him a template from which to start from, it is good to utilize many ways of working I think in order to sometimes find something I wouldnt Have normally.


I think it's good to analyze, one should analyze and find models to learn from, so I take it in that spirit.

But honestly, one is going to gain better facility from the vantage point of doing, the experience of making a melody come to life in your hands and/or voice. speaking whole sentences from left to right as it were.

'programming music', rubs me the wrong way.

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