Bitwig Studio 1.2 BETA-5

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svervs wrote:Maybe this has been "found" and discussed already: When you give a device a custom name it gets a dedicated subfolder in the preset folder, like all devices and VSTs.
So when I name device e.g. "Massive" it gets saved in the folder with all "real" Massive presets.
Feature? Bug?
Uhm good question, i second that


dom@bitwig wrote:Personally i don't like mandatory fields, but it might be the only way to go...
I don't like them either, but if too many people don't add this information, I'd say there are worse things... ;-)

And even if you don't add mandatory fields: Having a text on the Tech Support page above the form that explains what things to include would be a first step that couldn't hurt anybody.

And making that message text field larger would also be more inviting...


"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there." - Rumi
ScreenDream Instagram Mastodon


Maybe you could have fields but not make them all mandatory.


dom@bitwig wrote:No, please always use for beta reports, as always mentioned in the beta newsletter.
Maybe we have to change the font of that section in the beta newsletter to a 30 point font, it is truly remarkable how many 2 sentence reports without any OS and hardware information we get and to how many different email addresses they get send... :scared:

You know Dom, I have to admit that my interaction with the invite email went about like this:
fade in to Tomsa, sitting on a bus on his way to a gig...kind of sleepy...
Tomsa: (inner monologue)I guess I'll check my email before I pass out and drool on myself publicly.
-Tomsa pulls out his mobile, opens email
Tomsa: (Inner monologue) buy my tshirts...sign petition for tax reform...hi Mom...HOLY CRAP BITWIG BETA INVITE!!!!
-Tomsa proceeds to not read the rest of the email, tethers his mobile to laptop, downloads beta, and plays with the beta for the rest of the trip to the gig, break after sound check, and the bus ride home.

True story. :hihi:
dom@bitwig wrote:Personally i don't like mandatory fields, but it might be the only way to go...
Honestly, I don't think that's necessarily a bad idea. I must have sent you guys three emails about the beta before I decided to make a quick note with all of my system information on it for quick copying/pasting. The only reason I did that was because I was a dope one of those three times and forgot to include what audio device I was using. It would guarantee that you get the information you are looking for. I certainly wouldn't be offended if you did it. You also don't have to make them mandatory, it could be more like, "fill out as many fields as you can so we can better assist you". That (to me) still feels very friendly and like excellent customer service. :tu:
...If you have to fix it with a computer: quantized, pitch corrected, and overly inspected, then you can't do it, and I can't get behind that!
-Henry Rollins; I Can't Get Behind That-from William Shatner's, "Has Been"


So true,
who reads the whole mail after waiting for so long to get your hands on the beta?
Mac OSX 10.11.2
Safire Pro 14


I was wondering, will 1.2 have better PDC? In other words, will we be able to record external hardware without the need to re-align everyting after recording? I don't have access to the beta so maybe this is working fine already.

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