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Chris Hein Chromatic Harmonica and WX5 wind controller

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:05 pm
by dlandis
Hi guys,

I've bought and DL'ed the Chris Hein Chromatic Harmonica (thanks for the Black Friday Sale, btw) and have a few questions. The first is a broad question and may have the answers to the rest of the questions implied.

1) Is there a document or video that contains suggestions that explain how to get the best out of Chris' libraries when using a wind controller? Can you point me to it?

2) The pitch wheel setting does not work as it should from the WX5. On the WX5, pitch wheel change is handled from either the reed bite or pitch wheel on the body of the instrument (generally, the reed is the "go to" primary source.) While the pitch wheel works fine from a keyboard controller until one touches the WX5, once one use the WX5, the pitch wheel change is very minimal (not at all what the setting is) and immediately returned to the pressed key pitch regardless of where one is holding the reed/pitch wheel (interestingly, once one uses the WX5 to control the Chromonica, the keyboard controller follows the WX5 in producing the same errors until one reloads the instrument.) Any suggestions?

3) Is there a way to set CC02 to control layer change?

4) What is the best way to control the volume of the instrument using CC02?

Thanks so much in advance. I am looking forward to maximizing my experience of playing this fine instrument.