
Arturia Minimoog V announced

16th January 2004

Arturia, in partnership with Moog Music, have announced the release of the Minimoog V at NAMM today.

Offering all the features of the original, the software version also brings polyphony, MIDI management, preset handling and, taking advantage of modern tools, additional functions are hidden beyond the control panels: a modulation matrix, a LFO, an arpeggiator, a chorus and a delay.

Using TAE, Arturia's proprietary technology for emulating analog circuits, "the Minimoog V offers an unchallenged quality of sound". Sharp filters, aliasing free oscillators and soft clipping limitations "guarantee that you have the best emulation released on the market".

Features of the original:

Additional features of the software version:

Price and shipping to be confirmed.

Minimoog V will be available for:

KVR Audio, Inc.