
Kuassa releases Kratos Maximizer mastering limiter

25th August 2011

Kuassa has released Kratos Maximizer, a transparent, mastering-grade look-ahead brickwall limiter and loudness maximizer.

Kratos Maximizer can be instantiated on the master channel to give that loud, commercial quality release out of the mix without squashing effect and artifacts. It offers simple control over the loudness level via the main Maximize knob, but can also go deeper for more demanding users, giving a control over Texture, Release, Knee, and Ceiling for greater loudness while retaining your mixes original color and dynamics.


Pricing & Availability

Kratos Maximizer is available for Windows and Mac OS X in VST and AU effect plug-in formats. It costs $69.95 but is currently available for the introductory price of $54.95.

KVR Audio, Inc.