
Tronsonic releases 'Stoner Planet T' tape sampled Electric Piano for Kontakt

23rd January 2012

Tronsonic has released Stoner Planet T, a new Kontakt-format sample library that contains a single set of samples from the Hohner Pianet T electric piano.

Recorded to worn tape on vintage equipment to emulate the distinctive Mellotron character, the piano has been overdriven through a 1960s valve pre-amp.

The pack contains over 40 imaginary 70s inspired preset instruments for Kontakt 4.2.3 or later, with the emphasis on modulation (from phasers, autowah and delay to ramped LFOs triggered with the modulation wheel).

Planet T is a 31 MB download and priced at £9.99 (£8.99 for registered members and £4.99 for students).

Check out this promo video on YouTube

KVR Audio, Inc.