
Ian Shepherd and MeterPlugs release Perception Plug-in with Intro Offer

10th June 2014

Ian Shepherd and MeterPlugs have announced the release of Perception, a new loudness plug-in in VST, AU and AAX formats for Windows and Mac OS X.

Here's what they say: "Loudness changes our perception of music, often deceiving us into thinking something is better when in fact it's simply louder - and in some cases actually sounding worse as a result of excessive processing. Perception allows you to hear past this "loudness deception" and find the loudness "sweet-spot" for your music."

Perception is a "one click reality check" for mastering and mixing, allowing synchronized, realtime "before and after" comparisons of any audio processing chain, loudness-matched using the new EBU R128 standard.

Perception was conceived by mastering engineer Ian Shepherd, who runs the Production Advice website and founded Dynamic Range Day, and was developed by MeterPlugs, creators of LCAST Loudness Meter and K-Meter.

"Perception allows you to hear your music like a mastering engineer", says Shepherd. "Mastering engineers take years learning to match and balance loudness for making objective comparisons - Perception does it in a single click. It's a simple idea but it's very powerful. I use it on every mastering session I do, these days."

"We've been happy with the response to Perception", says Ian Kerr of MeterPlugs. "People seem to instantly 'get' why it's so powerful. The realtime level-matching allows you to quickly and easily see how your music stands up against the competition. And the sync is rock-solid, even with external hardware."

Pricing and Availability

Perception is on sale now for $99 (regular $149) in VST, AU and AAX formats for both Windows and Mac OS X. It can be purchased online from the MeterPlugs website, www.meterplugs.com/perception, and is available for instant download.

There is no demo at this time, but MeterPlugs offers a 60-day guarantee.

KVR Audio, Inc.