
Frau Blücher Audio releases The Heavy Hitter's Kit for Kontakt 5

22nd August 2014

Frau Blücher Audio has released their second drum sample library for Native Instruments Kontakt 5 - The Heavy Hitter's Kit. It is designed to be a versatile kit that suits many different genres of music, ranging from pop to the heaviest metal.

The kit:

The Heavy Hitter's Kit features round-robins, up to 16 velocity layers, a mixer with EQ and Transient Master on every channel, plus a Tape Saturator and an SSL-style Bus Compressor on the master bus.

Drums were recorded at Studio Skeppsbron in Malmö, Sweden. All samples were recorded in 24-bit at 44.1kHz.

Price: 16 EUR. Full version of Kontakt 5 is required.



KVR Audio, Inc.