
Soundtoys introduces PrimalTap Retro Delay Plug-­in

11th October 2014

Soundtoys has announced its newest plug-­in, PrimalTap, a retro delay plug-­in based on the unique sound of the Prime Time delay – a well­-known and well­-loved digital delay from the 1980s. Like the original hardware, PrimalTap is a hybrid of digital and analog sound, and is designed to bring grit and vibe to the world of digital delays.

PrimalTap is a dual digital delay with VCO modulation, multiple feedback modes, and two very unique features from the classic hardware. The "Multiply" control, originally created to make the most of limited RAM memory, doubles the delay time with each click of the knob. It also reduces the sample rate, creating long lo-­fi delays, and unusual pitch jumps while switching between the four settings.

The "Repeat Hold" button loops the entire delay buffer, and everything that's stuck in it. Once the sound is "held", you can continue to warp, modulate and pitch­-change to create bizarre audio landscapes. These two controls really are "must­-hear" features.

PrimalTap will be available individually, and included in Soundtoys 5, featuring the full line of Soundtoys plug­-ins and the new Soundtoys Effects Rack. Upgrades from Little PrimalTap will also be available. Does NOT require an iLok dongle.

Pricing TBA.

KVR Audio, Inc.