
Acustica Audio 2018 NAT Sampling Workshop - 25 June to 29 June 2018, Prime Studio, Austria

1st March 2018

The 2018 edition of the Acustica Audio's NAT sampling workshop will take place from 25 June to 29 June 2018 at Prime Studio, Mils, Austria.

The price is 70 euros for each day or 280 euros for the five days (includes lunches).

Timetable program*

Monday 25 June - NAT sampling part I:

Tuesday 26 June - NAT sampling part II:

Wednesday 27 June - Acqua technology part I and skinning:

Thursday 28 June - Acqua technology part II:

Friday 29 June - 3rd developers network, marketplace, and questions:

* Notes:

How to get there: the studio is 12km from Innsbruck railway station and 2km Hall in Tirol Station railway station.

What to bring along: laptop computer running Windows (W7, W8.1 or W10) and your audio interface.

Prime Studio, Speckkarstraße 59 A, A-6068, Mils, Austria. office@primestudio.at

For additional information, questions or payments, contact by email at: info@acusticaudio.net

KVR Audio, Inc.