
Outsim updates SynthMaker to v1.0.2

5th February 2007

Outsim has updated SynthMaker to version 1.0.2. This release corrects some important bugs and improves performance in a number of areas. There are also some enhancements to the exe export feature, 3 extra components and 1 new module.

The 3 new components:

  1. Random Number generates random numbers. You can choose a fixed seed to reproduce a stream of numbers or allow the component to seed itself.
  2. Time will give you any or all of the components of the current system time. The time is sampled when you trigger the Get input and this time is stored in the component.
  3. Full Screen is only used for exported exes and allows you to control full screen mode from the front panel.

New Modules:

Additions and fixes:

NOTE: As a result of the extras added the file version has been increased in this release and so new files will not load into versions prior to and including 1.0.1.

KVR Audio, Inc.