
ESI Audiotechnik ships SKYLIFE SampleRobot, SampleRobot Essentials and WaveRobot

15th March 2007

SKYLIFE has announced that retail boxed versions of SampleRobot, SampleRobot Essentials and WaveRobot are now shipped worldwide by ESI Audiotechnik GmbH.

SampleRobot and WaveRobot offer functions to sample acoustic and electronic instruments enabling you to transfer real musical instruments to the digital domain very easily and then play them with any available software sampler.

The SampleRobot installation DVD includes over 1080 MB of multi-sampled content taken from famous synthesizers in Soundfont2 format. The new SampleRobot package also contains a comprehensive, fully printed version 2.40 operation manual where the author, Holger Steinbrink, describes all the possibilities of SampleRobot and WaveRobot from a practical point of view.

Worldwide distribution of the new retail boxes is provided by ESI Audiotechnik GmbH and their dedicated international distribution partners.


KVR Audio, Inc.