Vocals can be too clean. If not going overboard there's some great ways of making vocals sound better.
I go over some free, some paid effects that can make vocals sound really legendary.
[video] Adding Extras to Clean Vocals
How to do this, that and the other. Share, learn, teach. How did X do that? How can I sound like Y?
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[video] Adding Extras to Clean Vocals
Vocals can be too clean. If not going overboard there's some great ways of making vocals sound better.
I go over some free, some paid effects that can make vocals sound really legendary.
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- 1314 posts since 7 Apr, 2019 from Canada
Post by kingozrecords » Sun Jan 16, 2022 7:55 pm
DSPplug Products https://www.kvraudio.com/marketplace/dspplug
DSPplug website https://dspplug.com
DSPplug Linkedin https://linkedin.com/in/rjbellis
DSPplug website https://dspplug.com
DSPplug Linkedin https://linkedin.com/in/rjbellis
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