Looking for "Must Have" effects plugins I'm missing...

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Effects Discussion


DevonB wrote: Sat Jul 06, 2024 6:37 pm That is, only if I think it's unique enough compared to what I already have. Native reverbs have come a LONG ways in the last 20 years.
Valhalla’s stuff is good. As a creative soundshaping multi-effect, Shaperbox is really good. Great for both mixing and sound-design.


morphex wrote: Sat Jul 06, 2024 9:17 pm Although it's a bit expensive, I feel compelled to mention Boom Library's Enrage multi-effect. I use it a lot for creative special effects. It has a very intuitive layout and comes with over 50 devices (effect modules) to combine for highly-detailed and complex processing. I think it belongs in any "must have" or "secret weapon" plug-in list. https://www.boomlibrary.com/sound-effects/enrage/
You nailed it; this is the type of thing I'm looking for. Do you feel it sounds unlike anything else? Plenty of stuff out there that sounds 'great', but does it sound 'different' and have its own flavor?

Simple music philosophy - Those who can, make music. Those who can't, make excuses.
Read my VST reviews at Traxmusic!


sonidomolino wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2024 8:46 am
DevonB wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2024 6:49 am I'm mainly interested in delays and multi-effects processors.
Not interested in ... 'manglers'.
Not sure what ur def of a 'mangler' is, but Arturia has some rather unique and interesting 'processors'. Fragments/Motions/Refract, along with their takes on delays, modulations, etc. Been using them to enhance 'organically tracked' performances (i.e. no synths/loops/AI whatever, just people playing things that don't need computers, or even much electricity.)

and ya, despite what i just said, have used HW boxes (synths...) with A/D convertors in the past to process original samples through whatever sound design/processing capabilities they could offer.
Manglers that are really just is heavy on distortion and 'making things unrecognizable' from the original audio. Not my cup of tea. More interested in things that are musically useful, and enhance the sound in its own way.

Simple music philosophy - Those who can, make music. Those who can't, make excuses.
Read my VST reviews at Traxmusic!



Very useful in several situations. Absolutely worth the money.


DevonB wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2024 9:28 am Manglers that are really just is heavy on distortion and 'making things unrecognizable' from the original audio. Not my cup of tea. More interested in things that are musically useful, and enhance the sound in its own way.
This makes me think Kyma. Software alternatives include Reaktor, Pure Data, Csound, Bidule, etc.


As far as I'm concerned, no DAW should be without the free Kilohearts Essentials collection and the MeldaProduction FreeFX bundle:


Kilohearts Essentials covers all of the bread-and-butter FX and some more exotic things like a tape stop and vocal doubler. Very light on resources, minimalist utilitarian UI's, they're what I reach for when I just want a no-frills limiter or whatever that's dead simple to set up and/or automate.

MFreeFX contains several useful utilities and analyzers such as a noise generator, signal oscillator, frequency analyzer, and oscilloscope, as well as a plethora of FX. MCompressor is a powerful compressor with one of the most useful dynamics displays I've ever seen, and MEqualizer is also a powerful plug-in with deep features. If you wait for one of Melda's quarterly 50% off everything sales and apply the $10 credit you get for signing up for their newsletter, you can upgrade the bundle to the "pro" version for about $7.

As for reverbs, if you have the Exponential reverbs, you already have some of the best reverbs I've ever heard, but MTurboReverb is as good as they are. The LE version is all you need, all it omits from the standard version is the ability to design your own algorithms, which is work that I prefer to leave to developers.

For delays, A|A|S Objeq Delay, D16 Sigmund, MeldaProduction MTurboDelay, and Unfiltered Audio Sandman Pro are all excellent ones that cover a variety of uses. I recently scored a free license for Baby Audio's Comeback Kid via Focusrite, and browsing the presets surprised me with some of the sounds it can get. Too soon to tell if it will become a go-to, but it helped me nail the Delia Derbyshire White Noise/Doctor Who effect that I'd been trying to get for decades.

I know you said you weren't interested in sound manglers, but Glitchmachines' Hysteresis is a free delay effect that's at least worth trying out.

For multieffects, Unfiltered Audio's BYOME is my favorite. TRIAD is the multiband version. They do dang near everything, you can arrange the modules in any order, and the UI is freaking gorgeous. Sign up for a Plugin Alliance account (which comes with some nice freebies that you already have covered), wait for them to drop a voucher on you, and you can get the Unfiltered Audio stuff at very reasonable prices.


DevonB wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2024 9:23 am
morphex wrote: Sat Jul 06, 2024 9:17 pm Although it's a bit expensive, I feel compelled to mention Boom Library's Enrage multi-effect. I use it a lot for creative special effects. It has a very intuitive layout and comes with over 50 devices (effect modules) to combine for highly-detailed and complex processing. I think it belongs in any "must have" or "secret weapon" plug-in list. https://www.boomlibrary.com/sound-effects/enrage/
You nailed it; this is the type of thing I'm looking for. Do you feel it sounds unlike anything else? Plenty of stuff out there that sounds 'great', but does it sound 'different' and have its own flavor?

It definitely has it's own "flavor" for sure. I understand that's highly subjective, but there is magic to be found when you combine the different effect modules into just about any type of effect chain you can think of with minimal latency and a high-definition sound.

Since my brain is wired to seek out novelty in music production, a full-featured multi-effect like Enrage allows me an incredible amount of options and control over the signal, with up to 24 macros to tweak until the cows come home. :o

It's probably overkill for most day-to-day processing duties, but with some imagination and a decent CPU, Enrage is a total blast to work with and I always recommend it to anyone who is looking for something in the same vein as Infiltrator, Looperator, Tantra, etc. I hope you find what you're looking for. :tu:


Starship Krupa wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2024 12:01 pm As far as I'm concerned, no DAW should be without the free Kilohearts Essentials collection and the MeldaProduction FreeFX bundle:


Kilohearts Essentials covers all of the bread-and-butter FX and some more exotic things like a tape stop and vocal doubler. Very light on resources, minimalist utilitarian UI's, they're what I reach for when I just want a no-frills limiter or whatever that's dead simple to set up and/or automate.

MFreeFX contains several useful utilities and analyzers such as a noise generator, signal oscillator, frequency analyzer, and oscilloscope, as well as a plethora of FX. MCompressor is a powerful compressor with one of the most useful dynamics displays I've ever seen, and MEqualizer is also a powerful plug-in with deep features. If you wait for one of Melda's quarterly 50% off everything sales and apply the $10 credit you get for signing up for their newsletter, you can upgrade the bundle to the "pro" version for about $7.

As for reverbs, if you have the Exponential reverbs, you already have some of the best reverbs I've ever heard, but MTurboReverb is as good as they are. The LE version is all you need, all it omits from the standard version is the ability to design your own algorithms, which is work that I prefer to leave to developers.

For delays, A|A|S Objeq Delay, D16 Sigmund, MeldaProduction MTurboDelay, and Unfiltered Audio Sandman Pro are all excellent ones that cover a variety of uses. I recently scored a free license for Baby Audio's Comeback Kid via Focusrite, and browsing the presets surprised me with some of the sounds it can get. Too soon to tell if it will become a go-to, but it helped me nail the Delia Derbyshire White Noise/Doctor Who effect that I'd been trying to get for decades.

I know you said you weren't interested in sound manglers, but Glitchmachines' Hysteresis is a free delay effect that's at least worth trying out.

For multieffects, Unfiltered Audio's BYOME is my favorite. TRIAD is the multiband version. They do dang near everything, you can arrange the modules in any order, and the UI is freaking gorgeous. Sign up for a Plugin Alliance account (which comes with some nice freebies that you already have covered), wait for them to drop a voucher on you, and you can get the Unfiltered Audio stuff at very reasonable prices.
I agree with everything here, great post.

Just curious why BYOME is your favorite- do you just not have TRIAD, or is there a reason you like BYOME more?


Ok here are some suggestions:

1. No mention of fab filter yet, those plugins are top of the class stuff for the pure digital utility type use and supreme workflow. Worth trying out on demo. They don’t do anything new but the workflow is (chefs kiss).

2. Soothe 2 is a pretty unique processor that can be super helpful, save time and smooth out your productions. For a lot of producers it’s a must have.

3. I’m a huge fan of rc20 as a multi effect. Can really do a lot quickly.

4. Aberrant designs plugins are unique cheap and awesome. Nothing like them in UAD or ST catalog.

Hope that’s helpful


Essential Plugin Bundle by Sonnox

https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/ ... ge-nosto-1

-87% sale
"Where we're workarounding, we don't NEED features." - powermat


concealed identity wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2024 7:08 pm
I agree with everything here, great post.

Just curious why BYOME is your favorite- do you just not have TRIAD, or is there a reason you like BYOME more?

BYOME, TRIAD....I just don't seem to put the multiband feature to much use. Due to getting them on very deep discount, I got licenses for both. Sometimes PA sells them together as a package.

I'd recommend to anyone interested in them to try both and see if the slightly higher price for TRIAD is worth it to you for the MB feature.


Uncle E wrote: Sat Jul 06, 2024 6:47 pm SSL X-Delay is a good one. It regularly goes on sale for around $25. D16 Sigmund 2 is also excellent and is currently on sale.
About delays, i had a WoW moment when i discovered MultiTap Delay on cubase, "how did i not know i had this?!? it's freaking amazing...."

If you want something similar with more Options (external VST's) Blue Cat Audio - Late Replies is also an excellent option..


^^^ IMO Newfangled Audio Recirculate is more versatile than the Cubase one


especially the feedback loop managment
Last edited by xbitz on Thu Jul 11, 2024 9:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Where we're workarounding, we don't NEED features." - powermat


does this ever go on sale??

morphex wrote: Sat Jul 06, 2024 9:17 pm Although it's a bit expensive, I feel compelled to mention Boom Library's Enrage multi-effect. I use it a lot for creative special effects. It has a very intuitive layout and comes with over 50 devices (effect modules) to combine for highly-detailed and complex processing. I think it belongs in any "must have" or "secret weapon" plug-in list. https://www.boomlibrary.com/sound-effects/enrage/


Last edited by martiu on Tue Jul 16, 2024 6:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
aliasing plugin owner

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