Programmatically pressing a HardwareButton

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There is controller button that sends sysex and nothing else. It had to be special for some mysterious reason, thanks, NI. I'd like to create a HardwareButton for it so I can bind to it like I do with all the other buttons, but I'm hitting a wall.

I can set a sysex callback and I can getHost().createHardwareButton(). I cannot figure out how to get the button to think it's being pressed.

I could try creating my own HardwareActions without needing a button and invoking them from the sysex callback, but I don't see a way to do that either.

Finally, I could try setting a HardwareActionMatcher but I don't see a way to create a matching expression for sysex. All examples in bitwig-extensions are for notes and CC. All the documentation has to say on the subject is "expression: Expression returns true if the event matches", which is lovely.

What am I missing?


Angry-coded my own button.

Code: Select all

case class FakeAction(protected val invokeCallback:() => Unit)
  extends HardwareBindingSource[HardwareActionBinding] {
  val callbacks: mutable.HashSet[Runnable] = mutable.HashSet.empty
  def invoke(): Unit = {
  def addBinding(f: Runnable): HardwareActionBinding = {
    () => callbacks.remove(f)
  def setBinding(f: Runnable): HardwareActionBinding = {
  def clearBindings(): Unit = callbacks.clear()

  override def canBindTo(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
    case _: Runnable => true
    case _: HardwareActionBindable => true
    case _ => false

  override def addBinding(h: HardwareBindable): HardwareActionBinding = h match {
    case hab: HardwareActionBindable => addBinding(() => hab.invoke())
    case _ => ??? // better be never

  override def setBinding(h: HardwareBindable): HardwareActionBinding = h match {
    case hab: HardwareActionBindable => setBinding(() => hab.invoke())
    case _ => ???
case class FakeButton() {
  var isPressed: Boolean = false
  val pressedAction: FakeAction = FakeAction(() => isPressed = true)
  val releasedAction: FakeAction = FakeAction(() => isPressed = false)


Nice glad to see I wasn't the only one running into this problemo...I had to do the same thing when I wanted to make a fake Hardware knobs... :)

This is missing some dependancies but the idea is here...

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package com.kirkwoodwest.hardware;
import com.kirkwoodwest.utils.Math;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.function.DoubleConsumer;

public class HardwareValueTarget implements DoubleConsumer {

  public ArrayList<RelativeHardwareValueListener> knob_listeners    = new ArrayList<>();
  public ArrayList<Integer>                       knob_listener_ids = new ArrayList<>();
  public double internal_value = -1;
  public HardwareValueTarget() {

   * Adds a listener for when the knob value has changed.
   * @param knob_listener The parent class that listens for the events.
   * @param id  ID is used to distinguish multiple knobs from the listener. its up to the programmer to determine
   *            if that is used or not.
   * @return  True if a listener was actually added.
  public boolean addListener(RelativeHardwareValueListener knob_listener, int id) {
    boolean added_listener = false;
    if (!knob_listeners.contains(knob_listener)) {
      added_listener = true;
    return added_listener;

  public boolean removeListener(RelativeHardwareValueListener knob_listener) {
    int index = knob_listeners.indexOf(knob_listener);
    if (index == -1) {
      return false;
    } else {
    return true;

  public boolean removeListener(int knob_listener_id) {
    int index = knob_listener_ids.indexOf(knob_listener_id);
    if (index == -1) {
      return false;
    } else {
    return true;

  private void updateListeners() {
    int size = knob_listeners.size();
    for (int i=0; i < size; i++) {
      RelativeHardwareValueListener knob_listener    = knob_listeners.get(i);
      int                           knob_listener_id = knob_listener_ids.get(i);
      knob_listener.knob_updated(knob_listener_id, internal_value);

  public void accept(double adjustment_value) {
    double new_internal_value = adjustment_value;

  public void setInternalValue(double value) {
    value = Math.valueLimit(value,0,1);
    if (value == internal_value) return;
    internal_value = value;

  public void setInternalValueInt(int value) {
    double internalValue = value / 127;

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