Post tunes in other sigs than 4/4 here

Chords, scales, harmony, melody, etc.


good stuff


"I did move it to theory because..." :?:
Bullshit. a transparent (and vindictive, taking the least opportunity to, at that) move to kill exposure to my and Henrick's music burying it here. Two people you had a childish grudge against had to be taught a lesson? You got serious problems d000d.

thanks to all the good-hearted people who helped me recently.

A huge glad you are well gone from here to John Hinckley. Bully, poseur, fraud. Your remarks are gone but I had saved them for a defamation suit. Might be why they are gone?

No one asked a music theory question, dipshit, this was and is a sharing our music, ie., Music Cafe topic by definition.

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