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Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 12:49 am
by jsalsburg
Today after the LinnStrument Zoom Meeting, I started working on the ORANGE PI Zero I ordered from Amazon. Yesterday after installing UBUNTU and SURGE XT on it, I could not find the Patches. Since the install on my ORANGE PI 5 Plus went reasonably well, I found the Patches and so on there. Those pathways did not exist on the Zero; the Build did not create them. I copied the Surge folder in my Windows installation and copied them to the appropriate folder on the Zero. Surge XT found it by default. This was an easy fix.
Initial testing SURGE XT with the LinnStrument, the audio was not good. I reduced the Buffer to 64 and it performed well.
I recommend anyone who is able to handle Linux, the ORANGE PI Zero could be used for live performance with SURGE XT. Total cost less than $60. It drove a 4K display at 30Hz without any problems. It only needs an enclosure.


Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 10:55 am
by monch1962
Hi @jsalsburg, how did you get on changing patches on Surge XT on the Pi Zero? I really like the idea of using a tiny Pi as a sound source that will fit inside my Linnstrument case, but not if I also have to carry around a separate screen to plug it into. At that point, it's easier to just carry around a laptop