Dug out of the dusty archives

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In the link this is described as being composed in 1994, but that's wrong. I've since come across the oldest copy on cassette tape, dated 1991.

For some unknown reason I never formally released it anywhere. At that time I was using an Acorn Archimedes computer running the Inspiration sequencer, linked to a Yamaha SY22 - all long gone :(
However I still had the MIDI file, so loaded this into Rosegarden linked to Yoshimi.

This is the revised version.
It wasn't me! (well, actually, it probably was) - apparently now an 'elderly' so maybe I forgot!


Soothing... Glad you resuscitated this, thanks!


Johnny-come-lately with his Acorn Archimedes :wink:

I had a BBC model B and a Music 500 Synthesiser back in '84 or '85. I didn't get much chance to use it before I moved overseas but It was fun for a while.

Lovely composition, and it's certainly got the trademark Folderol/Yoshimi sound.

We should be thankful for the longevity of both MIDI and Compact Cassettes. I have a few cassettes recorded in the late '70s which are still quite playable.

Good work :)


Thanks folks. Glad hit hits the spot.
@seismic1 I had the BBC B/Music500 combi too back in the day :D
The Ample language was interesting as well. Unfortunately it disappeared without trace :(
It wasn't me! (well, actually, it probably was) - apparently now an 'elderly' so maybe I forgot!

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