
Magix announces Samplitude 11 and Sequoia 11

1st April 2009

At Musikmesse 2009, Magix has unveiled Samplitude 11 and Sequoia 11. Anyone who purchases the full version or crossgrade of Samplitude or Sequoia 10 during the period from February 1, 2009 until the release of the new version will receive a free upgrade to version 11.

Samplitude 11
Samplitude 11 Samplitude 11 Vandal

Samplitude 11

With Samplitude 11, Magix has concentrated on its strengths like Hybrid Audio Engine, analytic DSP effects and object-oriented editing.

Sequoia 11

In the last months, Magix has placed the user and his or her typical, repeating, tasks under the magnifying glass. By raising the efficiency of day-to-day work, more concentration and space is left for creative processes at the end.

In addition to these exclusive areas, naturally all new Samplitude features are also found in Sequoia 11.

KVR Audio, Inc.