
AcmeBarGig releases Tribe Clean Amp and Trance Gate

3rd June 2009

AcmeBarGig has announced the release of two new free VST effect plug-ins for Windows: Tribe Clean Amp and Trance Gate.

TribeTribe is a clean amp, and is designed to give you pure, crystal clear clean tones, providing you with the perfect blank canvas to further sculpt your tone. Using technologies borrowed from AcmeBarGig's Whisper and RedShift and with the ability to load the impulse response file of your choice, Tribe is designed to give out a smooth stream of constant clean tone.

Tribe came to be as a means of acoustic modeling. AcmeBarGig says that "The original idea was to place an IR in front of a clean amp and see what we could get. Well, that didn't work perfectly, so we decided to take it in a slightly different direction. However, Tribe still has the features to allow you to experiment with this concept. If you have any knowledge of creating IR files, try creating some acoustic IRs and place them in tribe. You never know, you may find yourself able to model an acoustic after all."


Trance GateTranceGate is best described as a tremolo on steroids. The collection of vertical bars at the top of the screenshot represent volume levels. The signal can be described as traveling from the far left of the bars to the far right of the bars, and as it hits each bar, the volume level of that bar is applied to it. If the bar is all the way at the top, the volume level is full, likewise all the way down it is off. The speed of the effect is controllable via the host tempo and the note duration control. There is also an adjustable sweeping filter, featuring 5 different wave form shapes and 6 different types of filters. Also included is a proprietary AcmeBarGig mono/stereo delay from DIG.


KVR Audio, Inc.