
Scarbee announces The Final Sale - 40% Off

7th December 2009

Scarbee has announced that the Scarbee Web Shop will be closing for good on December 19, 2009, so they are having a final 40% Off Sale on the remaining Keyboard Libraries and Vintage Keyboard FX from today: December 7 until December 18.

As Native Instruments will not be releasing VKFX in the future Scarbee decided to discontinue the product so this is the last chance to buy Scarbee Vintage Keyboard FX. It is also last time to buy KGB - Keyboard Gold Bundle and VKC - Vintage Keyboard Collection as when Native Instruments releases the Keyboard sounds next year they will be released as single instruments only.

Note: Current owners of Scarbee keyboard libraries will be able to download a Kontakt 4 update when these products are released - just as with the bass libraries. You will still need a FULL version of Kontakt 4 though.

KVR Audio, Inc.