
Puremagnetik releases LadyVox - A Vocal Collection for Live, Kontakt & Logic

5th December 2010

Puremagnetik has released LadyVox, a collection of multi-sampled female voices for Live, Kontakt and Logic. It includes a palette of sustained vowels, doo-wop phrases and special vocal effects.

The star performer is a multi-sampled voice instrument with a classic airy timbre. A collection of hi-end and vintage microphones have been brought on board during the production process for capturing essential syllables and vocal nuances. Among the included programs are detailed multi-sampled vowels, doo-wop syllables and synthetic experiments using the human voice as source material.


Puremagnetik is a sound content subscription service. Subscriptions start at $5.75 per month.

KVR Audio, Inc.