
Trance Techno Soundbanks releases Nemesis Techno Music Soundbank

26th March 2014

Trance Techno Soundbanks has released Nemesis Techno Music Soundbank, a pack created to give you the sounds of various Techno music genres using the Tone2 Nemesis synth.

Nemesis Techno Music Soundbank includes 66 presets, 10 FLP files, and MIDI in many Techno styles, like Deep, Glitchy, Minimal, Full On, Gritt Breaks, Detroit, 8-Bit, Swedish, German, and Kraftwerk-sounding.

This soundbank has 10 demos Kits (MIDI files for every synth) and an FL Studio file for every Demo FLP file. Each Demo folder also contains an Automations JPG, showing how automation of all presets works and how every Demo was done. Inside the pack there is also a "How to use.txt" file showing you how to work with this soundbank in every DAW.

Product Details:

Price: 12€.

Audio Demo: The kick drum in the demos is for effect and is not included in the soundbank. Tone2 Nemesis synth is required.


KVR Audio, Inc.