
Tracktion releases "Master Mix" for Mac & Win VST & AU

19th December 2014

Tracktion DSP has released Master Mix, a stereo mastering-grade plug-in that offers multi-band dynamics processing and equalization.

Master Mix has three individual dynamics processors, each with its own set of controls and selectable crossover points. There are two separate six-band parametric EQs, one located before the dynamics section, and the other after. Each dynamics band is typically used as a compressor, but expansion is also possible. A dynamics contour edit screen provides setup of compressor parameters and allows a user to create the soft knee curve. Master Mix also offers a noise gate and soft-clip limiter.

Price: $59.99. Master Mix, and other Tracktion DSP plug-ins such as the Micro Synth Pack, are currently offered at a 50% discount introductory price at marketplace.tracktion.com.

KVR Audio, Inc.