TSC updates Tracktion to v6.2.1
7th August 2015
TSC has updated Tracktion 6 for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux to v6.2.1.
- Fixed a crash when undoing the addition of marker clips after closing the marker track.
- Fixed a rare crash undoing the addition of tracks.
- Fixed a problem parsing the getProperty and setProperty methods of returned objects in the JavaScript editor.
- Fixed tab buttons when too many tabs open to fit across screen.
- Fixed a problem with Elastique mobile mode.
- New JavaScript Macro Actions:
- Set position of transport, mark in and mark out points.
- Get/Set track and clip names.
- Get the clips from a track object.
- Get/set solo, solo isolate and mute status of tracks (and clips for mute).
- Get/set window tab indexes.
- Get preset from library.
- Insert plugin preset and set plugin preset.
- — Insertion of marker clips ('barsBeatsMarker' & 'absoluteMarker').
- newClip action now returns a clip object when can be used to rename it etc.
- Change active automation parameter.
KVR Audio, Inc.