
Dash Signature announces SWOOSH Machine (+releases EVE updates)

15th June 2005

Dash Signature has announced SWOOSH Machine and released several free updates for EVE owners.

By the first week of July, Dash Signature plans to release SWOOSH Machine, a VST DashSound Player like EVE and EVE ONE, but with a dedicated 1 GB library including a wide range of natural and synthesized audio effects - it will be sold bundled with a default 250 MB sample set for US$75, three further expansion packs (250 MB each) will be available for US$29.90 each.

SWOOSH Machine features:

NOTE: Upon the release of SWOOSH Machine, EVE 1.8 and EVE ONE prices will be raised by about a 20%.

EVE Soundset updates:

  1. Mellotronix HQS4, a new EVE 1.8 bank for the Mellotronix set.
  2. The Minimoog bank for EVE 1.8 has been updated and improved.
  3. Knagalis ethnic sampleset has been converted for use in EVE 1.8, EVE ONE and any future DashSound players.

KVR Audio, Inc.