
Planet-H updates G-Stomper Studio for Android to v5.5 - New with Ableton Link integration and more

4th June 2017

Planet-H has updated G-Stomper Studio for Android to v5.5.

The most important news about this release is the integration of Ableton Link, a technology that synchronizes beat, phase and tempo of Ableton Live and Link-enabled apps over a wireless network. It lets you play devices together with the freedom of a live band. Anyone can start and stop their part while others keep playing, and anyone can adjust the tempo and the rest will follow. You can use Link to play with several instances of Ableton Live, with Live and Link-enabled apps, or even without Live in your setup: using Link-enabled apps on multiple devices, or multiple apps on the same device.

Connect to your local wireless network, long press Play, enable Ableton Link and play in sync with your friends.

Be sure check out the new Ableton Link Chapter and the overall updated User Manual.

Release Notes:

Price: $11.99.

For further details check out the KVR Audio Product Page.

G-Stomper Rhythm and G-Stomper VA-Beast Synthesizer have been updated to v5.5 as well.

KVR Audio, Inc.