
Audio Plugin Deals Offer: 81% Off Impact Soundworks Shreddage Bundle + 2 Mystery Products

6th September 2017

For their latest deal, Audio Plugin Deals is offering 81% off the Shreddage Bundle from Impact Soundworks plus "2 Mystery Products".

For $99 you'll get a guitar bundle which contains everything needed to create complete rock & metal guitar tracks in your DAW: tens of thousands of samples in total and tons of articulations to pick from.

You will also get two mystery products valued at $78.

Products Included ($526 value) :

YouTube Playlist: YouTube.com/playlist?list=PL9TsrgAkcMJOl2VBUfKX5Z5pfawwe_9kK

SoundCloud Playlist: SoundCloud.com/isworks/sets/shreddage-2-guitars-highlight

KVR Audio, Inc.