
Ueberschall releases four new bundles - Inspire, Rock, Lounge and Soul

15th December 2017

Ueberschall has released four new bundles, three genre based Bundles and the Inspire Bundle.

Inspire Bundle (249,-€)
The Inspire Bundle is designed to encourage the musically adventurous to make the most of Elastik 3's creative Inspire function. The bundle provides over 9 GB of sample data and nearly 7000 samples. It contains four full products.

Rock Bundle (199,-€)
The Rock Bundle is perfect for those about the rock. The package combines four full Elastik titles and delivers 23GB of sample data across over 7000 samples. Each is packed with multi-track drums, bass and multiple guitars and complemented by other instruments.

Lounge Bundle (199,-€)
When you need to get smooth, the Lounge Bundle brings you a hugely creative selection of Lounge and Jazz-related styles. It is based on a 21 GB sample library that contains over 6000 individual samples.

Soul Bundle (199,-€)
If you are in need of some soul, the Soul Bundle will get you grooving. The bundle comprises five full Elastik titles and contains over 15GB of data across the 4000+ samples.

KVR Audio, Inc.