4drX updates VirtualKeyboard to v1.4.6 for Win & Mac - incl. Standalone Version
9th February 2018
4drX has updated VirtualKeyboard to version 1.4.6 making it more compatible across platforms, in particular with Cubase.
Changes include:
- A "Tech" key label was added indicating MIDI notes, octaves and MIDI note numbers for technical users.
- Added an option to set a custom "Sounds" folder (where the SFZ samples are stored). Press "Save As Default" if a user wants this setting to be shared among plugin instances.
- Now Cubase users will see all notes freezing correctly when the transport stops even if the "Expression Map" is on.
- Added to the website ("Setup" tab) new instructions to use VirtualKeyboard in Cubase by taking advantage of its "MIDI Sends" tabs.
VirtualKeyboard with Cubase
KVR Audio, Inc.