
Lakeside Audio releases Groovestar v2.0 - Step Synthesizer

25th June 2018

Lakeside Audio has announced the release of Groovestar v2.0, which they describe as "an innovative and new audio instrument/synthesizer plugin for creating drum loops and synthesizer sequences in a very intuitive way".

Groovestar is based on the classic step sequencer idea but it features more possibilities to create powerful patterns by using synthesized sounds as input as well as sampled wave sounds. You can treat and combine them to make hybrid sounds without any limitations.

The plugin is controlled by MIDI events – you can map any created pattern to different keys or even combine them to play them simultaneously. Moreover it is possible to map a whole range of notes to a pattern allowing to alter the pitch of it – independently if it is based on a synthesized sound or a wave file.


Price: €49.



KVR Audio, Inc.