
Cherry Audio Voltage Modular Year One Celebration Extended

31st August 2019

Cherry Audio is extending its Year One Anniversary Sale until to September 15th.

Cherry Audio says "In the last 2 weeks, over 15,000 people have downloaded the free Voltage Modular Nucleus package, and word is spreading across the Internet rapidly."

"Articles are being posted about Voltage Nucleus in a dozen different languages, and visitors are blowing up the website from all over the world. The response from customers and from the press has been extraordinary. In response, The Year One Anniversary Sale has been extended until September 15th to allow everyone interested in modular synthesis to get Voltage Modular Nucleus absolutely free."

KVR z.prime's Nucleus song competition
The Year One sale extension should give everyone a chance to participate in z.prime's Nucleus song competition at KVR. He's giving away a free copy of Voltage Modular Core + Electro Drums to the winner.

If you're new to Voltage Modular, remember that lots of useful tutorial videos are available on the video page.

KVR Audio, Inc.