
Patchpool Summer Sale - up to 33% off

30th July 2020

The patchpool summer sale is on through August 16. Save up to 33% on single items and 20% on bundles. To get an overview of the discounted items click on the Hot deals-image on the upper left of the patchpool front page.

Patchpool offers sound libraries and expansions for Falcon, HAlion, Padshop, Avenger, Pigments, MSoundFactory, Iris 1+2, Alchemy 1+2, Icarus, ElectraX, various u-he plugins, Kontakt, Absynth, Reaktor, Thorn, Diversion, Serum, Chromaphone, ArcSyn, Phonem and various FX plugins like Kaleidoscope, BYOME, MXXXCore, Adaptiverb, Comet, Soundtoys, Output Portal.

Some SoundPack-bundles (WAV samples) are also discounted.

KVR Audio, Inc.