
FeelYourSound updates ChordPotion melody generator plug-in to v2.2.0

27th January 2022

FeelYourSound has released version 2.2.0 of its MIDI sequencer and effect plug-in ChordPotion (VST + AU).

ChordPotion is a composition and performance tool. It can turn any chord progression into new riffs and melodies within seconds.

The new version adds different options to not only work with chord notes but to create melodies with other scale notes as well. You can mix and combine the different sequencer modes to create even more sophisticated melodies and phrases.

New in ChordPotion 2.2.0:

Price: $55 / €45. The update is free for all customers.

A demo is available at feelyoursound.com/chordpotion

The second half of this new tutorial video shows some of the new features in action (starting at 07:27): YouTube/Izs7IpgxTpc

KVR Audio, Inc.