
IsoVox releases IsoPlug - All in One Voice Plugin

16th November 2022

IsoVox has announced the release of IsoPlug, an all-in-one channel strip plugin for voice over and vocals for macOS and Windows in VST, VST3, and AU plugin formats.

When combined with IsoVox and IsoMic, Pro Studio Sound is guaranteed. With IsoPlug in the family of products, we are probably first in the world to offer a complete voice recording signal chain with guaranteed professional sound.


IsoPlug focuses only on your voice and features the tools needed to process voice recordings, including EQ, Mud Remover, Compressor, De-Esser, Character, Limiter and Reverb. The all-in-one view provides easy access.

IsoVox explains:

Helpful indicators lets even a complete beginner dial in the Comp, De-ess and Limiter to maximize the volume. One Knob design controls the amount of each effect. Never mind adjusting all individual parameters in each effect, IsoPlug audio engine is tuned only for voice, making it lightning fast to achieve pro results.

No need to jump around between different plug-ins with overly complicated menus. Choose from a variety of adjustable presets. Advanced controls for professionals can be accessed by clicking on the module name.

Price: $149.



KVR Audio, Inc.