
Tokyo Dawn Labs release the SimuLathe product family, a range of virtual disk mastering simulators

11th December 2022

Toyko Dawn Labs has released TDR SimuLathe REF and TDR SimuLathe CUT, a product range dedicated to the accurate simulation of the disk mastering/cutting process. Here is what they say:

If you ever wanted to get your hands on a disk cutting lathe, dig into the beauties and subtleties of the craft, enjoy creative experimentation, want to prepare disk projects or produce digital test cuts, SimuLathe is your opportunity.

If you already operate a disk cutting system, looking to improve quality control, improve results and reduce costs, you'll possibly find great use for SimuLathe's precise modelling and pro grade predictive abilities.

SimuLathe is a precise simulation of the complete disk mastering process. With its specialized preprocessors, a precise virtual disk cutting lathe, several turntable pickup models, and extensive means of metering/analysis, this audio plugin acts like its own cutting room.

SimuLathe comes in two versions:

KVR Audio, Inc.