
IRCAM releases ASAP Stretch Life (ASAP updated to v1.2.0)

20th September 2023

IRCAM has updated the ASAP plug-ins collection and introduced the new plug-in Stretch Life.

The Stretch Life plugin allows you to create and move time markers in order to stretch or compress the sound in time. Here's what they say:

Thanks to an intelligent algorithm, resulting from many years of work and experimentation, the temporal transformations offer an exceptional rendering quality by preserving the pitch of the harmonic components of the sound and the random characteristics of the noisy parts.

Thanks to the ergonomic interface allowing real-time visualization of the transformations on the spectrogram, the plug-in opens up new creative and original possibilities. The many marker editing operations provide fast and efficient solutions for sound engineers to synchronize tracks, resample audio files, and more. Based on the ARA2 extension, Stretch Life integrates seamlessly into your workflow.

This new version of ASAP also includes:

KVR Audio, Inc.