
Solid State Logic releases Pro-Convert

17th January 2008

Solid State Logic has announced that Pro-Convert, the Digital Audio Project Translator application for moving sessions from one DAW environment to another is now shipping worldwide. Solid State Logic will exhibit Pro-Convert at the NAMM show, January 17th to 20th, at the Anaheim Convention Center in California (Booth #6907, Hall A).

Pro-Convert is audio project translation software that facilitates the exchange of projects between Digital Audio Workstations (DAW). The application is designed to make it much easier and quicker to move projects between producers or facilities where different DAWs are in daily use. Pro-convert is designed to break down the creative and technical constraints presented by an 'industry standard' DAW environment.

For commercial music facilities Pro-Convert means the ability to streamline the process of opening projects created within a broader range of DAW environments.

For the creative producer Pro-Convert means being able to begin projects within your private studio using the DAW that is the best creative fit for the way you want to work, secure in the knowledge that you can easily transport your project for collaboration or mastering.
For Commercial Post facilities, Pro-Convert means the ability to easily import music and material created within a diverse range of DAW environments for mixing.

For large scale Post Production projects or facilities where multiple producers contribute to a single production process, production teams can enjoy significantly streamlined workflow.

Detailed information including format compatibility, FAQ's and User Guides are all available.

Pro-Convert is available through SSL Resellers priced $699 + Tax. Pro-Convert will also be available to order online via the SSL web shop in February. Pro-Convert is an evolution of the application previously known as 'EDL Convert' by Cui Bono Soft. Existing EDL Convert customers will be able to upgrade online through the SSL web shop.

KVR Audio, Inc.