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ConcreteFX releases Kubik v2.1 (+discount extended)


ConcreteFX has updated Kubik to v2.1. Their discount offer on Kubik will also continue for another week -- the full version can be purchased for the special offer price of £30/€45/$54.


  • Should solve problems saving songs in XT and SX3, and it should now work in Bidule.
  • Kubik now uses the standard VST bank saving system, so you can now save banks of presets with songs. The system loading / saving songs and saving banks as fxb files is reasonably fast, but loading fxb files using the host loading system is very slow so you should use Kubik's built in fxb loading system.
  • LFO and step sequencers should now work properly in free running mode.
  • In the mod matrix page, right clicking and select "Set Def" sets up the mod matrix so all the envelopes and LFO are set as in the standard setup.
  • MIDI latching should work properly after saving now and MIDI flickering solved.
  • Problem with mono mode fixed.
  • Preset display problem solved.
  • Lots of other small changes and bug fixes.


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