Klevgrand has released Rum, a room simulator plug-in for macOS, Windows and iOS that simulates different kinds of spaces. The plug-in gives you a versatile collection of small rooms - from acoustic treated studio booths to rooms found in an ordinary home. Rum is described as very useful to add a sense of space around dry recordings, both acoustic and electronic.
Klevgrand comments:
Recording audio from a distance is a well known technique to achieve more natural and "real" sounds. We started to elaborate with this approach and the result is Rum* - a plug-in with 10 multi-recorded rooms with different mic settings and characters that can be cross combined.
Rum offers an advanced stereo spread and modulation unit for more tweak-ability. It also comes with a built-in ducker making it easy to tame transients on the wet signal, cutoff filters, pre-delay (with tempo sync) and a full set of factory presets.
* Rum means room in Swedish.
Feature list:
- 10 different rooms with 6 variants each.
- 3 different types of stereo spread algorithms.
- Modulation.
- Ducker (compression) for the wet signal.
- Pre-delay with tempo synchronization.
- Low cut and high cut filters.
- Plenty of factory presets.
Intro Pricing until September 30, 2021:
- AU/VST/AAX $29.99 at klevgrand.se (Reg. $39.99).
- IOS (iPad) $9.99 on the App Store (Reg. $14.99).