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Montreal Music Labs announces Articulate - Universal iOS Controller for VI Key Switching and Articulations

Montreal Music Labs

Montreal Music Labs, a new company dedicated to simplifying music creation on computers, is getting ready to launch a new product called Articulate, a universal iOS controller for VI key switching and Articulations.

There is an active KickStarter Campaign to help fund continuing support & development for Articulate, plus current and future products from MML.

Articulate Key Features:

  • Designed with iPad in mind, the screen will auto-update to reflect the currently selected track.
  • Desktop version of the interface will also work on both Mac and Windows.
  • Using automation lanes, articulations can be hand-drawn in without the need for an iPad or GUI.
  • Articulate will support all major third party libraries out of the box and will be updated with new libraries as they come out.

Intro promo price will be $79 US.



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