MusicDevelopments has updated RapidComposer to v3.44. The latest update includes more than a dozen improvements and many bug fixes.
- The standard Ctrl+drag is used for copying phrases and notes instead of Alt+drag. You can drag the rhythm of a phrase by Alt+drag.
- Mouse wheel works for horizontal timeline scrolling and zoom (Ctrl+mouse wheel).
- The position and size of Structure Inspector is restored.
- MIDI and audio export directories are remembered.
- Order of modes was changed to Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, Locrian.
- Finding closest match for chords when changing scales was fully reworked and works well with any chords.
- "Find Closest Match For Chords On The New Scale" added to scale selector.
- Chord rules can be assigned anywhere not just globally to the composition.
- Master track inspector UI cleanup.
- An option was added to disable transposition for absolute notes in the note editor (e.g. for key-switch notes).
- Notes have a scale step and semitone offset independently, instead of only one kind of offset.
- It is possible to multiply or divide all chord lengths in a chord progression by 2 or 3.
- Right/left arrow keys on master track correctly move Quick Suggestions to next/previous chord.
- Optimizations in the UI layout engine under the hood.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed: display was reset to flats in the circle of fifths.
- Fixed a redraw issue when the Quick Suggestion popup was drawn multiple times.
- Fixed an issue with scrolling with the mouse wheel.
- [Windows] Fixed: dragging when the mouse buttons were swapped (right as the primary button).
- Fixed a crashing bug during editing phrases.
- Fixed phrase paste error when 'allow pasting between two RapidComposer applications' was enabled (file open error).
- When using 'chord from composition' as the chord preview, the transposition is also applied to the preview chord.
- Fixed a bug when copying the timeline selection.
- Fix for a crashing bug when too many chord boxes were created in a line.
- Fixed crash when Phrase Morpher was dragged over the workspace.
- Fixed: voicing lost when scale changed in Master Track inspector with "Find Closest Match..." enabled.
- Fixed: voicing was not restored when saved in a chord progression.
- Fixed: previous voicing was applied to newly selected chord during progression editing.
- Fixed: minor issues in chord progression preview.
- Fixed velocities when a phrase was used for chord preview.
- Minor fixes in using chord lengths.
- Fixed a crashing bug when loading a composition that includes a reference to a previously deleted sound file.
- Fixed a bug that prevented setting chords when composition was created with empty master track.
- Fix incorrect chord preview settings when program was quit after clicking on 'For Preview' in the Chord Selector.
- Fixed MIDI import (running status improperly handled).