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Papritech Launches AirMotion, The First Wireless BLE MIDI Breath and Motion Controller


AirMotion MIDI Breath and Motion Controller by PapritechAirMotion papritechAirMotion MIDI Breath Controller Packaging

Papritech has launched a new product called AirMotion, a MIDI breath and motion controller, saying:

AirMotion is changing the way musicians create and perform music.

This innovative device is the first wireless BLE MIDI breath and motion controller that is configurable through a tablet or smartphone and is compatible with all keyboard brands and music software.

AirMotion Overview

AirMotion is described as a unique and highly versatile device that combines the functions of a MIDI breath controller and a motion controller. With this device, musicians can control their music with a simple breath or a gesture. The device has a compact and lightweight design that makes it easy to use and carry around. It also has a long battery life, so musicians can use it for hours on end without worrying about charging it.

One of the key features of AirMotion is its compatibility with all keyboard brands and music software. This means that musicians can use it with their existing equipment without having to make any major changes. The device is also configurable through a tablet or smartphone, making it easy to use and customize.

AirMotion features wireless connectivity, eliminating the need for cables and making it easy to use the device in different locations. The wireless connection is said to be very stable and provides a low latency, ensuring that musicians get the best possible performance from the device.

This is a demo of the device published by Papritech, showing how a keyboard player could control up to 5 MIDI CC Messages as expression, vibrato depth, growling, flutter tonguing: Watch it on YouTube

Papritech concludes:

AirMotion is a game-changer for the music industry. This innovative device is the first wireless BLE MIDI breath and motion controller that is configurable through a tablet or smartphone and is compatible with all keyboard brands and music software. Musicians can use it to control their music with a simple breath or gesture, and it provides a wide range of options for customization. If you're looking for a new way to create and perform music, then AirMotion is the device for you.

Price: $122.



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