Sonic Scores has updated Overture and Score Writer to v5.4.0.
- Added Staff Sets to the Tracks menu to allow groups of staves to be displayed quickly.
- Added a Smart drum part recording. If you have the Replay button enabled you can individually record drum parts by overdubbing. See "Smart Drum Part Recording" in the online documentation.
- Added Metakeys to quickly enter articulations, ornaments, dynamics, hairpins, and expressions. (x, shift-x). See online documentation for usage. This has been in the program for a while but settings were not being saved.
- Implemented the Scrub Tool in Data View.
- The Atonal setting in the track inspector has been removed and replaced with a more powerful method. When you insert a key signature you can now choose No key. This allows a composer to switch between atonal and normal modes in the middle of a score.
- Added more documentation including a section on keyboard shortcuts.
- The Modify controller dialog now remaps dynamic and hairpin controllers. The Modify Value settings are ignored for dynamics and hairpins.
- VST/AU Plugin windows now have the parent track's name included in the title.
- Overture now fills in the tuplet dialog with expected type based on number of selected notes.
- During step entry Overture now follows the last octave used when selected pitch was transposed.
- Added add b5 and 7b13 chord.
- Holding down shift key while dragging notes will toggle between the chromatic and diatonic preference setting.
- The current voice commands have been removed from the View menu have been placed in their own menu.
- Improved dragging of Hollywood lines.
- MusicXML pedal marks are now read and written.
- When you convert a tuplet note to rest, a tuplet bracket is automatically entered.
- Improved chord suffix vertical alignment.
- Added Solo and Mute current track commands in Tracks menu with shortcut key commands.
- Added ability to import MIDI files with an incorrect conductor track.
- Added a slight improvement to vertical spacing routines.
- Removed the Notes section of the Select by Filter Data menu command.
- Improved line spacing for multi-line text and Title page items.
- Fixed playback problem with some glissandos.
- Fixed problem that prevented last measure to be deleted. This bug was introduced in the previous version.
- Fixed dynamic and hairpin alignment problem when dragging baseline.
- Fixed MIDI device not being enabled occasionally. (Hopefully).
- Fixed two problem with displaying composite meters.
- Fixed problem with Composer Tools>Reverse pitches not showing accidentals until the altered notes were moved.
- Fixed problem with MusicXML import not transposing correctly to concert pitch.
- Fixed import problem with some MusicXML files not setting measure numbers correctly.
- Fixed import problem with some MusicXML files not obeying MusicXML internal layout.
- Fixed problem that when drawing vertical lines using graphic line tool.
- Fixed copy and pasting of tuplets, again.
- Fixed problem that caused the 'e' key to switch to the Eraser tool during step input.
- Fixed problem that incorrectly converted symbol characters from old Overture files.
- Fixed playback problem with grand pause.
- Fixed problem that prevented some double sharp notes from changing to its en-harmonic.
- Fixed problem that incorrectly converted MIDI notes to a wrong chord during chord input.
- Fixed problem with using 'o' on tied notes during step entry.
- Fixed problem with some beams display too high on bottom staff of grand staff.
- Fixed problem that prevented file from being opened after cancelling New Score Dialog with the esc key.
- Fixed problem that copied data onto measure when Inserting a new page.
- Fixed problem that prevented copying from the bass staff into the treble staff on grand staves.
- Fixed problem that caused insert track sizes to be larger than surrounding tracks.
- Fixed problem with Add Interval function not applying the accidental correctly.
- Fixed crash when adding a symbol to a note from the Graphics Palette.
- Fixed problem that prevented chord symbol accidentals from being remapped to another font.
- Fixed a small layout problem when inserting bars in the middle of a system.
- Fixed crash caused by selecting a time signature and choosing Duplicate on Staff Below from the right click context menu.
- Re-activation problems may have been fixed.
- Fixed crash when reading some old scores that contained Page text.
- Check marks are now displayed in Windows menu items for open windows/views.
- Hairpins are now automatically set to surrounding dynamics. The menu item enabling this has been removed.
- Overture now imports chords in MusicXML files.
- Tuplet brackets can now nudge the same distance as notes.
- Punch-in now correctly records first measure and last note.