Sonora Cinematic has announced the release of Mezza Coda, a baby grand counterpart to their Verticale, released earlier this year. Here's what they say:
Mezza Coda offers a rich and authentic sound that captures the nuances and beauty of a baby grand piano, enhanced by the warmth and character of two unique signal layers – Cassette and Distbox.
The Cassette layer (which also features in Verticale) adds a vintage vibe and a touch of grit to the already captivating sound of the baby grand piano. The piano samples were passed to cassette using an old Portastudio set at maximum speed and then converted back to a digital audio workstation slowing the tape down as much as possible.
Distbox is a brand new signal layer which was sampled using the Portastudio as a distortion device. A stereo mix of the piano was recorded to cassette while hitting the Portastudio preamps with a very hot signal, and then slowing down the tape.
The result is a raw, distorted signal that adds a unique character and texture to the sound of the piano, perfect for adding an edge to your music or creating lo-fi vibes.
With its unique combination of warmth, clarity, depth, and character, Mezza Coda is perfect for a wide range of musical genres, from media scoring and jazz to pop and electronica.
Intro Price: £39 until 30th June, 2023 (Reg. £49). Or purchase it with Verticale to get both for £69.